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An era comes to an end

None of our staff was born when Queen Elizabeth II. ascended the throne. When you think about this fact, it is really impressive and fills you with deep respect and awe at the same time. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II., an era comes to an end.


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None of our staff was born when Queen Elizabeth II. ascended the throne. When you think about this fact, it is really impressive and fills you with deep respect and awe at the same time. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II., an era comes to an end.

We, as a long-standing UK carrier operating a daily scheduled service between Germany and the United Kingdom, naturally have a special relationship with this country and therefore we would like to join our British colleagues in particular in mourning the death of this extraordinary monarch. Our thoughts are with the royal family at this time, to whom we would like to express our deepest sympathy.

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