Previous month
FS: 8%
Ø: 1.594 €
FS: 8%
Ø: 1.670 €
FS: 8%
Ø: 1.677 €
Our diesel floater is based on the last month’s average diesel price. This value is provided by the market transparency unit for fuel from the German Federal Cartel Office.
Based on those daily published data, the monthly average price for the diesel fuel is calculated, being the basis for our Fuel Surcharge/Discount. Data will be used from first day of month to the penultimate working day of each period.
This Diesel-Floater becomes effective on the First of the following month.
Corresponding to the above explained average, the following matrix for the Diesel Floater can be applied:
If you have any questions, please contact your respective contact person.
We are happy to assist you!
pdf -
pdf 20220401 Regelung Dieselfloater ENG